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Help Your Plants Beat The Heat

Preparing Your Garden for Summer Heat: Essential Tips for a Thriving Garden

As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer, it's time to prepare your garden for the summer heat. With a few proactive steps, you can ensure that your plants remain healthy and vibrant throughout the hottest months of the year. Here are some essential tips to help your garden thrive in the summer heat.

I Can See Clearly Now...
I Can See Clearly Now...

...the rain is gone!

Easter is a celebration of new life, and Mother Nature provides her own beautiful signs of the same. So many things awaken from winter hibernation and stretch towards the welcome warmth of the sun. Leaves emerge on trees once bare, bulbs pop up with colorful surprises, and of course the chorus of color from all the blooms…like a choir singing praises.

Autumn Memories

To many in the Central Valley, November is the REAL beginning of Fall. October’s warm days keep us from breaking out the long sleeves and jackets, but the cooler days and sweater weather that come in November are the perfect time to dust off our crock-pots and soup recipes.  It is also a time full of childhood memories of family dinners and visiting relatives. My grandparents lived a few miles away and the whole family would descend like a tornado to re-acquaint, reminisce and share our years experiences and accomplishments. It was a time to be thankful for one another, our health and the great food that was served.